Pick Your Own Grapes

Wellwood Orchards 529 Wellwood Orchards Rd., Springfield, VT, United States

Pick your own Grapes $1.99/lb PYO only. We do not [...]

PYO Berries at Wellwood

Wellwood Orchards 529 Wellwood Orchards Rd., Springfield, VT, United States

Blueberries- $3.50 per pound Raspberries- $4.99 per pound Bring quarters [...]

Wellwood Orchard Petting Zoo

Wellwood Orchards 529 Wellwood Orchards Rd., Springfield, VT, United States

There is a variety of animals, from bunnies to baby [...]


Wellwood Orchards

Wellwood Orchards 529 Wellwood Orchards Rd., Springfield, VT, United States

Pick Peaches, Plumbs or Blueberries. $20.00 to pick Peaches & [...]

Wellwood Orchards Petting Zoo

Wellwood Orchards 529 Wellwood Orchards Rd., Springfield, VT, United States

$1.00 per person admission Wellwood accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, CASH & [...]

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