Play Whiffle Ball

Patch Park Douglas, St., Charlestown,, NH

Join peers at Patch Park for a game of Whiffle [...]

Art Gym

The Springfield Art Gym 335 River St Suite 2, Springfield, VT, United States

The Springfield Art Gym is a community art room where [...]

Tie Dye a T-Shirt

HCRS - BF Office 1 Hospital Court, Bellow Falls, VT, United States

Join peers in creating your own tie dye t-shirt. The [...]


BINGO with Lindsey

HCRS - BF Office 1 Hospital Court, Bellow Falls, VT, United States

It's all fun and games until someone yells BINGO! This [...]


Loyal Order of Moose - BF 59 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United States

Join the Winds of Change Self Advocates and speak for [...]

Bowling in Keene

Yankee Lanes 477 Park Avenue, Keene, VT, United States

Join us for a couple of hours of bowling fun! [...]


Walk on the Springfield Bike Path

Toonerville Rail Trail 280 Clinton Street, Springfield, VT, United States

Take a walk with peers and enjoy the nice summer [...]

Fish Ladder

Bellows Falls Fish Ladder & Visitors Center 17 Bridge Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United States

Learn about the Connecticut River watershed and take a peak [...]

Swim at Edgar May

Edgar May Health & Recreation Center 140 Clinton Street, Springfield, VT, United States

Open pool session for swimming. Make sure to bring a [...]

Art Gym

The Springfield Art Gym 335 River St Suite 2, Springfield, VT, United States

The Springfield Art Gym is a community art room where [...]

Canceled Cooking with Dawn

Loyal Order of Moose - BF 59 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United States

Join peers in making some delicious food to eat for [...]

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