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Harvest Dance Party                  $8.00 per person ($3 dance only)

Sponsored by:  The Winds for Change Self-Advocacy Group

Wednesday November 13th

11:30 – 2:30

Windsor American Legion

Lunch included-Pasta Dishes (some gluten free)

                                  $8.00 per person ($3 dance only)

          ******Winds of Change is also holding a Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit the local food Shelves. We would like to ask that everyone bring at least one nonperishable item (that hasn’t expired) to the dance. We will be having our usual dance raffle give aways and you will get an additional entry for each item you bring!!



          For Questions:

                                        Mary Ruffing 802-591-3599 or email mruffing@hcrs.org    


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