We offer support options so people may live in home settings of their choosing. We offer in-home supports to help people maintain living in their family or own residence. We also offer Shared Living. The Shared Living model of care links people served with independent contractors, who under agency supervision, welcome people into their homes and ensure the needs of the person they share their home with are met. Shared Living Providers also help those living with them to increase their independence and develop new skills while living a life of their choosing with dignity and respect. DS Service Coordinators oversee the individual needs of each person.

We offer two types of home living situations:

1) Shared Living Provider

The Shared Living Provider model of care is our primary model for providing housing and home supports. Shared Living is similar to family care in that independent contractors, under HCRS supervision, welcome people into their homes and are responsible for meeting clients’ individual needs. The providers also help clients to become more independent, more skillful, and empowered to make important decisions for themselves. Service Coordinators coordinate services, oversee the individual needs of each person receiving services, and support Shared Living Providers in providing this care.

2) Staffed Living

We acknowledge that this model may be of interest to some people. Although it is not currently available, our Service Coordinators and their teams are committed to collaborating with people to identify and address their specific needs effectively.

3) In Home Supports and Supervised Living

Tailored Support Services: Offering scheduled, intermittent assistance with daily living tasks such as cooking, hygiene, household upkeep, self-care, as well as monitoring medical requirements and medication administration within the comfort of an individual’s own residence. Whether it’s bolstering independence within one’s home environment or aiding families in meeting the unique needs of their loved one within the family household, our services are designed to provide personalized care and support.

Balance is a two-bed Developmental Services Crisis Stabilization Program that allows DS clients in crisis the opportunity to stabilize in a low-demand, safe environment with skilled and attentive staff. This provides the individual and their team time to reevaluate support needs.

This environment also promotes hospital diversion; can support successful transitions from hospitalization or residential settings to the community using a step-down model; and can help reduce provider burnout by allowing for planned respite for people at risk of losing their home due to frequent crises.