Developmental Services

People with disabilities are valued and integral parts of our community. Our Developmental Services (DS) team provides comprehensive supports for people with developmental disabilities.

We help service-recipients identify and reach goals that are important to them, realize their full potential and maximize their independence and inclusion in their community.

We provide person-centered supports to promote self-determination and informed choice. Our services are community-based and designed to empower, connect and advocate. We strive to help those we serve to develop lasting relationships with people not paid to be with them. Fostering these naturally occurring relationships is essential to community inclusion.

For More Information on Accessing Developmental Services, please call toll-free:

  • Brattleboro area: (855) 220-9428
  • Springfield area: (855) 220-9429
  • Hartford area: (855) 220-9430

Developmental Services for Children

Our Bridge Program offers care coordination for children with developmental disabilities. Bridge Care Coordinators help families determine their child’s needs and develop a coordinated plan to address identified needs. Families also receive advocacy support for school and community-based services, as well as linkage with community-based resources and services that will meet their child’s needs.

Additional supports may be available for children at immediate risk of needing a nursing facility or psychiatric hospital level of care. Bridge Care Coordinators can help families learn more about these supports and eligibility criteria for them.

HCRS’ Community Reach Program

We recognize the importance of developing positive relationships and community inclusion. We support people to know and be known in their community. Our community services are individualized based on people’s needs and goals.

In addition to individualized community services, each of our offices have monthly Community REACH (Resources for Empowerment, Access, Choice, & Having Fun) activities. These activities provide many opportunities for those served to take part in community activities with peers.

Click on the links below for additional information:

Housing & Home Supports

Employment Services

Shared Living Providers Info Page

Community Services


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