Client Info

Fee Schedule

(July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

Mental Health & Substance Use Services

Service Unit Cost
Clinical Assessment Each $215
Psychiatric Assessment Each $220
Individual Therapy Per Hour $176
Check in with Psychiatrist 30 minutes $142
Group Therapy Per hour $115
Crisis Evaluation / Emergency Services Per hour $320
Case Management Per hour $140

Rates may differ according to the amount of time spent with your HCRS provider.

The rates provided above will be charged to you based on your ability to pay. See our sliding fee scale based on federal and state poverty levels.

Please let your provider know if you would like to discuss a sliding fee scale with our Billing Department. Our Billing Department would be happy to review this with you.

FYI Sliding Fee Schedule

Does not apply to Developmental Services

Annual Income According to Family Size

Income Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+ Percentage of Charges
1 $0 to $14,580 $0 to $19,270 $0 to $24,860 $0 to $30,000 $0 to $35,140 $0 to $40,280 $0 to $45,420 10%
2 $14,581 to $16,767 $19,721 to $22,678 $24,861 to $28,589 $30,001 to $34,500 $35,141 to $40,411 $40,281 to $46,322 $45,421 to $52,233 15%
3 $16,768 to $17,496 $22,679 to $23,664 $28,590 to $29,832 $34,501 to $36,000 $40,412 to $42,168 $46,323 to $48,336 $52,234 to $54,504 20%
4 $17,497 to $18,225 $23,665 to $24,650 $29,833 to $31,075 $36,001 to $37,500 $42,169 to $43,925 $48,337 to $50,350 $54,505 to $56,775 25%
5 $18,226 to $18,954 $24,651 to $25,636 $31,076 to $32,318 $37,501 to $39,000 $43,926 to $45,682 $50,351 to $52,364 $56,776 to $59,046 30%
6 $18,955 to $19,683 $25,637 to $26,622 $32,319 to $33,561 $39,001 to $40,500 $45,683 to $47,439 $52,365 to $54,378 $59,047 to $61,317 35%
7 $19,684 to $20,412 $26,623 to $27,608 $33,562 to $34,804 $40,501 to $42,000 $47,440 to $49,196 $54,379 to $56,392 $61,318 to $63,588 40%
8 $20,413 to $21,141 $27,609 to $28,594 $34,805 to $36,047 $42,001 to $43,500 $49,197 to $50,953 $56,393 to $58,406 $63,589 to $65,859 45%
9 $21,142 to $21,870 $28,595 to $29,580 $36,048 to $37,290 $43,501 to $45,000 $50,954 to $52,710 $58,407 to $60,420 $65,860 to $68,130 50%
10 $21,871 to $23,328 $29,581 to $31,552 $37,291 to $39,776 $45,001 to $48,000 $52,711 to $56,224 $60,421 to $64,448 $68,131 to $72,672 60%
11 $23,329 to $24,786 $31,553 to $33,524 $39,777 to $42,262 $48,001 to $51,000 $56,225 to $59,738 $64,449 to $68,476 $72,673 to $77,214 70%
12 $24,787 to $26,244 $33,525 to $35,496 $42,263 to $44,748 $51,001 to $54,000 $59,739 to $63,252 $48,477 to $72,504 $77,215 to $81,756 80%
13 $26,245 to $28,577 $35,497 to $38,651 $44,749 to $48,726 $54,001 to $58,800 $63,253 to $68,874 $72,505 to $78,949 $81,757 to $89,023 90%
14 $28,578 or more $38,652 or more $48,727 or more $48,801 or more $68,875 or more $78,950 or more $89,024 or more 100%


  1. Locate the column for the number of members in your immediate family.
  2. Scroll down that column to find the box containing your annual household income (before taxes).
  3. Follow that row across to the right to see the percentage of our fees that you are eligible to be charged.
  4. Let your Provider know if you would like to speak with our Billing Department about a sliding fee rate.