Process for Resolving Complaints with HCRS Programs and/or Services

Anyone receiving or participating in services at HCRS, has the right to complain or file a grievance. If you are dissatisfied with our programs or services, we recommend that you speak with your provider or their supervisor to see if the concern can be immediately resolved. If you are not completely satisfied or do not wish to speak with the provider or supervisor, you may file a grievance.

A grievance is an official process where you submit, either in writing or verbally, the concerns you are having with our programs or services.

To verbally submit, you may contact:

Christine Boothby, Grievance & Appeal Coordinator

802-886-4500, ext. 2280

To submit in writing, simply complete this Grievance Form and mail to the address noted at the bottom of the form.

Grievance Process:

  • 1
    Grievances may be filed verbally or in writing at any time.
  • 2
    HCRS staff members will be happy to assist you with the completion of the Grievance form or verbal submission of a grievance.
  • 3
    A written acknowledgement will be sent to the person filing the grievance within 5 business days.
  • 4
    The Grievance & Appeal Coordinator will work together with the relevant Division Director to review/investigate all grievances from the initial filing through resolution.
  • 5
    Grievances are addressed and a written response is provided in 90 days.

Resources (click the links below for more info):


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