Providing Community-Based Mental Health and Substance Use Supports for Individuals and Families

HCRS offers community-based supports, services, and collaborations as a complement to our office-based services. We recognize that regular access to services in Vermont can be challenging even in the best of times, so we have expanded outpatient services to reduce this barrier. Our community-based programs include:

  • Elder Care Program
  • DUI Treatment Court Program
  • Reach Up Services

DUI Program

HCRS collaborates with the Windsor County Court to provide treatment for adults in Windsor, Windham, or Orange counties with substance related driving offenses This is a voluntary program for individuals who meet criteria for a moderate to severe substance use diagnosis. Participants who complete our DUI Court program have the chance to have their criminal charges reduced. Participants receive treatment for substance use with the goal of keeping our communities safe and keeping people out of jail.

People are referred to this program through the Windsor County court system.

Elder Care Program

Our Elder Care Program, in collaboration with Senior Solutions, provides mental health screening, assessment, therapy, and case management services to people 60 years of age and older who suffer from depression, anxiety, substance use, and/or other mental health difficulties, who are also home bound. Our goal is to provide comprehensive services to address the needs of elders so they can continue to live with respect, dignity, and independence in their own homes and communities.

Elder Care services include:

  • Screening
  • Assessment
  • Supportive counseling
  • Social skills training
  • Psychotherapy
  • Outreach
  • Case management
  • Consultation services

If you or someone you know may benefit from these services, please start the referral process by contacting the Senior Solutions Help Line at 1-800-642-5119.


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