Our CRT program provides comprehensive services to adults with significant challenges associated with a mental health diagnosis. The program offers a wide range of options to help people remain integrated in their local communities while building strategies so that you may live a more independent and satisfying life. One way we do this is to foster a culture that helps individuals create and maintain stable lives by offering supports and services based on each person’s specific needs and choices.

Additionally, we provide high quality services by recruiting and training compassionate, competent staff who utilize innovative, effective treatment practices in a positive and safe environment. We also believe that employment and the development of community relationships has intrinsic value to each person’s process of personal recovery. Our CRT team provides a wide array of services to support people in the recovery process. These services include:

  • Treatment coordination and planning.
  • Case management to help people to live and thrive in their communities; case managers assist clients with daily challenges in order to build stability and independence in their lives.
  • Supporting people to obtain and maintain employment.
  • Clinical services in individual, group, or family settings.
  • Psychiatry services to help manage symptoms using medication, when necessary, including:
  • Diagnosis
  • Evaluation
  • Education

  • Nursing services to:
  • Ensure coordination with primary care providers and other prescribers of medication

  • Administer medication
  • Assist people to self-administer their medications

  • Recovery education in group and individual settings

Employment Services

Employment is recognized as an important piece of the recovery process.
Our CRT Program is committed to assisting service-recipients in reaching their personal employment goals. Each treatment team has a Vocational Specialist available to work closely with you and other treatment providers through each step in the employment process. Because Vocational Services are very diverse, if you don’t see a service you need or believe is employment related, please ask your case manager or the team Vocational Specialist.

Preparing for Employment

  • We will work with you to help determine your individual needs, skills, interests, and level of commitment to getting a job.
  • We will assist you with preparing a resume to assist in the job search process.
  • Our Employment staff can facilitate a referral to the State of Vermont Vocational Rehabilitation services and provide on-going collaboration to support your vocational goals. There may be paid training opportunities as well as financial assistance with some job-related needs.
  • We will assist you with finding training and/or educational opportunities to help you reach your goals.
  • You will receive training in skills such as interviewing, job searching, and job maintenance.

Finding Employment

  • You’ll learn how to access a wide variety of employment opportunities through the internet, State employment services, and newspapers, as well as how to network through friends, family, and other people you know.
  • Our Employment Services staff are active members of Creative Workforce Solutions, which provides a network of job developers in each community helping each other to develop jobs on behalf of the people we serve.
  • We work directly with employers in the community to develop employment opportunities for the people we serve.
  • Our Employment Services team will provide you with support for as long as you need it. We never “close” the case unless you leave CRT services.

Educational Opportunities

  • If you are interested in educational opportunities, we will assist you with enrolling in high school, college, or technical training programs.
  • We can also assist you with applying for financial aid programs to help pay for these opportunities.
  • Vermont’s Vocational Rehabilitation program will often assist in paying for supplies, transportation expenses, and other small financial needs related to educational goals.
  • Our Employment Services staff can assist with finding tutors, if needed.

Benefits Counseling

  • We are happy to assist you to navigate the maze of benefit issues that are often the greatest reason clients choose not to work.
  • Learn how you can work part-time if you choose to.

  • The world of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security can be extremely confusing; our staff can help you understand these programs.

Other Services

  • Our Vocational Services encompass almost any activity that can lead to employment, education, or volunteering.
  • These services are completely voluntary and free for CRT clients.
  • Our goal is to assist you in reaching your employment or education goals.

Community Placement Program

The Community Placement Program refers to the “wraparound” services we provide to people who require intensive supervision and treatment supports. These services take on many different shapes and are customized to each person’s specific needs and situation. Frequently, a Community Placement Program involves 24/7 supervision provided to an individual in their own apartment. Other models involve one-on-one support for periods throughout the day and evening. Individuals receiving Community Placement Program services pose a high risk for their personal, as well as community safety, and typically have failed in traditional treatment models. The overall goal of these services is to assist in the stabilization of the individual and the transition to less intensive levels of service.


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